Monday, May 16, 2011

16 Tweets for MS Awareness

I like scheduling tweets.  It's a great way for me to take my normally blabbery-mouth and make it slightly less annoying yet interesting.  Take a few simple awareness points or even a few myths that need busting.  Create a quickie tweet about it.  Make a list of a handful of said points and create some awareness about a single topic that lasts a whole week, or month, or year!

Today I'm picking on MS.  Multiple Sclerosis - an autoimmune disease profoundly affecting patients all over the world...

  1. #MS Myth: There is nothing I can do for my MS. WRONG. Early tx minimizes and slows the progress of this neurological disease. #spoonie
  2. #MS fact: about 2.5 million people worldwide have a Dx of MS #spoonie #healthactivist #autoimmunity
  3. #MS Myth buster: Having MS doesn't have to mean you will end up in a wheelchair. U can live a fabulous life with proper management #spoonie
  4. #MS fact: The earliest description of MS symptoms comes from 14th century Holland #spoonie #autoimmunity #HealthActivist
  5. #MS Myth: It's okay to wait to start medication. WRONG. Sooner Tx = Better outcome. #spoonie #autoimmunity #HealthActivist
  6. #MS Myth: MS is fatal. WRONG. MS is more often manageable than not. Effective early treatment helps prevent fatal outcomes #spoonie
  7. #MS Fact: MS is less frequently found in sunny, warm climates.  #spoonie #HealthActivist #autoimmunity
  8. #MS Fact: Scotland has the highest incidence of MS per capita in the world. #spoonie #HealthActivist #Autoimmunity
  9. #MS Fact: Pediatric MS may increase risk for childhood obesity #spoonie #HealthActivist #autoimmunity #diet
  10. #MS Fact: Having Mono and living in low sunlight may increase your chance for MS #spoonie #HealthActivist #autoimmunity
  11. #MS Fact: The chance of being Dx'd with MS is about 1 in 750 #spoonie #HealthActivist #autoimmunity
  12. #MS Fact: Remyelination happens very slowly in MS patients, but it does happen! #spoonie #HealthActivist #autoimmunity
  13. #MS Fact: MS Patients may have difficulty with memory of recent past #spoonie #HealthActivist #Autoimmunity
  14. #MS Myth: MS doesn't cause pain. WRONG.  MS can range from painless to excruciating. #spoonie #HealthActivist #Autoimmunity
  15. #MS Myth: Heavy Metals can cause MS. WRONG. Current evidence does NOT support this theory #spoonie #HealthActivist
Tweet away!!!
Comment by Alicia C. Staley on May 16, 2011 at 11:31am
Great list Ellen!  I have to borrow this idea for my cancer groups.  Thanks for putting this together.  I will share these tweets too! Thank you!!
Comment by Janeen on May 16, 2011 at 3:47pm
I think I'm going to borrow your list idea too :)  Thanks for sharing!
Comment by Ellen S on May 20, 2011 at 12:10am
It's been so long since I did one of these... it was fun to put together!  Hard to come up with interesting factoids, but I always learn something different too!

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